

The Salary Information Agency (OÜ Tark tööandja) is an independent, private survey agency established in 2013 and we offer labour related analyses and consultations to both organisations and employees.


Biannual labour market surveys


We carry out large-scale employer and employee surveys in Estonia twice a year – in the spring and in the autumn.

Our surveys have the largest participant pool of any similar surveys in Estonia – our employee surveys usually attract 10,000+ participants and our employer surveys include more than 500 organisations. We also organise specialist surveys and organisational surveys. We develop our questionnaires in cooperation with various professional partners and scientists. Our main partners are the oldest university in Estonia – University of Tartu – and the largest job portal in Estonia – CVKeskus.ee.

Our surveys cover various aspects of the working life: remuneration and benefits, salary satisfaction and its factors, salary expectations, work organisation, incl. employee independence and organisation of teleworking, labour market behaviour and push and pull factors in changing jobs, loyalty factors, emotions and motivation, perceived engagement, stress factors and their prevalence, expectations of the employer and the immediate supervisor, assessment of the quality of management, etc.

See the e-publications of our survey results here (in Estonian)


Organisational surveys


Our regular surveys with large respondent numbers form the basis for our organisational surveys. Our questionnaires have been repeatedly tested on a large number of employees, which ensures their unambiguity. We have also analysed relationships between different factors (e.g. satisfaction and loyalty, employer recommendation, etc.) in repeat surveys to confirm their applicability.

Organising a survey will undoubtedly impact employees’ attitude towards their organisation and the management. A survey that is not well organised may make employees feel dissatisfied and provide false results, as well as waist time and money. We test our questionnaires beforehand to ensure they are convenient to complete and contain no ambiguity, to avoid causing any added stress to employees.

We have a client base of more than 500 companies and organisations, and more than 70,000 employees have taken part in our surveys over the years.

Download our employee feedback survey methodology (PDF)

See and testour sample questionnaire here


Analysis of Estonian salaries


The Salary Information Agency provides detailed analyses of salary ranges within occupations (based on the ISCO classification) by county, economic activity (NACE), number of employees in organisation and turnover group.

The data for our occupational wage statistics originates from tailored data extracts from Statistics Estonia, the Employment Register and tax returns. All of this data is specifically requested and purchased by the Salary Information Agency.

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